Last To Know
2015.05.12. 16:21

ELITE, LIFE-STYLE CHAMPION, 1st Placed Horse in Hello Summer! Appearance, Absolute winner in Hello Summer! Appearance, The Best Appearance Horse in LS, The Most Beautiful Horse in Hello Summer! Appearance, ELITE, ELITE HORSE IN GAME APPEARANCE, ELITE, Legszebb l a mnek versenyn, ELITE, The Most Beautiful Horse in M'sM, ELITE, 1st Placed of Muffin or IceCream Appearance, Best Horse in Muffin or IceCrean Appearance, ELITE, The Most Beautiful Horse in Appearance in M'sM, ELITE, The Most Beautiful Horse in August, 1st placed on Appearance of August, ELITE, Beautiful Horse in I. Explosive Impetus Appearance, 1st Placed of I. Explosive Impetus Appearance, ELITE, 1st of Watery Horses Appearance, BEST, 1st placed Stallion on 'LPF Szemle', ELITE, Beautiful Horse in What Season is It? Appearance, 1st Placed of What Season is It? Appearance, ELITE, PRIME PERFECTION CHAMPION, 1st Placed Horse in Netherland Appearance, Elite Horse, Better, ELITE, 1st placed in Bye-Bye Summer!
Better Breeds Horse, Perfect Horse in NHB, ELITE, 1st Placed Horse in Fairy Tail Dressage, Best Dressage Horse, ELITE, Beautiful Horse in M"sM, ELITE, Diamond Fairy in the First Fairy Cup, Gold Fairy in the First Fairy Cup, ABSOLUTE, Absolute Winner in Return Appearance, ELITE, 1st at Return Appearance, ELITE, 1st at Return Dressage, ELITE, Neptunus Winner, The Most Beautiful Stallion, 1st Placed in November Show, ELITE, 1st placed in November Appearance, ABSOLUTE, Absolute Winner in November Appearance, ELITE, 1st placed in October Appearance, ABSOLUTE, Absolute Winner in October Appearance, ELITE, 1st in Are You The Best? - Dressage, ELITE, 1st placed in Holy Christmas Appearance, ELITE, Els helyezett az szi Kllemen, Brilliant horse, Pata.Csata Champion, 1st Placed on I. PC Cup, BEST, 1st Placed Stallion on I. Simple Appearance, ELITE, 1st Placed Horse in The Big Bang Theory Appearance, ELITE, Elite, 1st Placed of X. Decide It! Appearance
Hvneve: Last
Neme: Mn
Szletett: 2007. 05. 8.
Fajta: Andalz
Szn: Srga
Jegyek: Csdben kesely, Csillag, Orrfolt
Trzsknyvi adatok:
Trzsknyvezett neve: Last to Know
Apja: October 'n' April
Anyja: Last Reason
Apai nagyapja: One Step
Apai nagyanyja: Sweet Fairy
Anyai nagyanyja: Last Words
Anyai nagyapja: Reason To Be Missed
Ahol fedez: -
Csikk: -
Alkalmassg: Kllem, Djlovagls
Versenyek szma: 35
Ebbl 1. helyezs: 34
- 1. hely: Hello Summer! Appearance {} *Abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Fairy Cup {} *Abszolt gyztes!
- 1. hely: Return Appearance {} *Abszolt gyztes!
- 1. hely: October Appearance {} *Abszolt gyztes!
- 1. hely: November Appearance {} *Abszolt gyztes!
- 1. hely: Mikuls upa {}
- 1. hely: Bye-Bye Summer! {?}
- 1. hely: Autumn Appearance {}
- 1. hely: September Appearance {?}
- 1. hely: Are you the best? - Dressage
- 1. hely: Return Dressage
- 1. hely: Game Appearance {}
- 1. hely: I. GV Stallions Appearance {}
- 1. hely: szi Kllem! {?}
- 1. hely: November Show {}
- 1. hely: II. Cards Appearance {}
- 1. hely: Muffin Or Icecream Appearance {}
- 1. hely: II. Equestrian Appearance {}
- 1. hely: Appearance of August {}
- 1. hely: I. Explosive Impetus Appearance {}
- 1. hely: Holy Christmas Appearance {}
- 1. hely: Watery Horses Appearance {}
- 1. hely: LPF Szemle {}
- 1. hely: What Season Is It? Appearance {}
- 1. hely: Netherland Appearance {}
- 1. hely: January's Beauty {}
- 1. hely: My Perfect Horse Appearance {}
- 1. hely: Fairy Tail Dressage {}
- 1. hely: In Freedom {}
- 1. hely: I. PC Cup {}
- 1. hely: I. Simple Appearance {}
- 1. hely: The Big Bang Theory Appearance {}
- 1. hely: Appearance for Everyone {}
- 1. hely: X. Decide it! Appearance {}
- 2. hely: Horse Breeds Category Appearance {}
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