Angelic Touch
2015.05.12. 16:23

Nice Appearance Horse in FL; 2: EXCELLENT, PRETTY
2ndin VII. Synline Appearance, Pretty horse; ELITE, BEST
"A" CATEGORY HORSE IN INFERNUS, Gynyr l az I. Mikuls Kupn; BEST, 2nd of Mare Appearance, 4th Placed Horse of Hello December, GOOD, Good Horse in M'sM, ELITE, Excellent Horse in Everybody Knows Appearance, Better Horse of Gibson Horse Cente, EXCELLENT, Kitn l a Minuscule Colibri Tiszteletversenyen, BEST, BEST HORSE IN GAME APPEARANCE, The horse with the best still appearence at Keep Still Appearance, 1st at Keep Still Appearance, NICE, Szp l a Kanck versenyn, Gynyr l, Gynyr l az Arab Telivrek Szemljn!!, GOOD, Good Horse in M'sM, EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed of Muffin or IceCream Appearance, Better Horse in Muffin or IceCream Appearance, GOOD, Good Horse in Appearance in M'sM, ELITE, The Most Beautiful Horse in August, 1st placed on Appearance of August, EXCELLENT, Excellent Horse in I. Explosive Impetus Appearance, 2nd Placed of I. Explosive Impetus Appearance, The best of Saratoga Race Course I. Months Appearance, Beauty of October, ELITE, PRIME PERFECTION CHAMPION, 1st Placed Horse in Netherland Appearance, Elite Horse, Prime Perfection's Favorite Horse, Beautiful Horse, ELITE, 1st placed horse in January Appearance, ELITE, 1st placed horse in Who is the Champion? - part I., Perfect Horse in NHB, 2nd placed on II. Movie Appearance, Beautiful Horse on PHR, BEAUTIFUL, EXCELLENT, Excellent Mare, 3rd Placed in November Show, BEST, 1st Placed Mare on I. Simple Appearance, EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed Horse in The Big Bang Theory Appearance, Perfection's Favorite, ELITE
Hvneve: Angel
Neme: Kanca
Szletett: 2009. 06. 21.
Fajta: Arab telivr
Szn: Szrke
Jegyek: -
Trzsknyvi adatok:
Trzsknyvezett neve: Angelic Touch
Tzsknyvi szma: FA-006
Apja: -
Anyja: -
Apai nagyapja: -
Apai nagyanyja: -
Ahol fedez: -

Alkalmassg: kllem
Versenyek szma: 30
Ebbl 1. helyezs: 11

I. helyek:
1. hely, Everybody knows appearance []
1. hely, Keep Still Appearance []
1. hely, Appearance of August []
1. hely, I. Months Appearance []
1. hely: Netherland Appearance [] *szemlyes kedvenc
1. hely: Januar's Beauty []
1. hely: January Appearance []
1. hely: Who is the champion? part I []
1. hely: My Perfect Horse Appearance []
1. hely: I. Simple Appearance []
1. hely: Appearance for Everyone [] *szemlyes kedvenc
2. helyek:
2. hely, I. Arabian Mare []
2. hely, I. Appearance -nincs kategria- []
2. hely, Mare Appearance kanck katekria, []
2. hely, Muffin Or Icecream Appearance []
2. hely, Funny Lime Appearance []
2. hely, VII. Synline Appearance -kllem- []
2. hely, I. Mikuls Kupa -kllem- []
2. hely, Mare Appearance -kllem- []
2. hely, I. Explosive Impetus Appearance []
2. hely, II. Movie Appearance []
2. hely: The Big Bang Theory Appearance {}
2. hely: II. Appearance in February {}
3. helyek:
3. hely, I. GV Mare Appearance []
3. hely, Auro Appearance []
3. hely: November Show []
4. helyek:
4. hely, Hello December -kllem- {}
4. hely, January's Beauty Appearance -kllem- {}
4. hely, II. Cards Appearance -kllem- {}
4. hely, II. Equestrian Appearance, {}
Galria: link
Angelic Touch