PN Joker
2015.05.14. 11:58

Trzsknyvi neve: PN Joker
Hvneve: Joke
Neme: mn
Kora: 6 v
Fajtja: Hannoveri
Apja neve: Parzival
Anyja neve: Jezebell
Teljes szrmazsi lap: nincs

- 1. hely: jvi Kupa (Djlovagls)
- 1. hely: Welcome Spring! Appearcnce
- 1. hely: Sportl Kllem, djlovaglk kat.
- 1. hely: Show you Plan (djlovagls)
- 1. hely: Mrton Napi Pard
- 1. hely: Alphabet Appearance
- 1. hely: Merry Christmas Appearance
- 1. hely: I love the 80's Dressage *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Winter Cup - Appearance (kllem)
- 2. hely: Aachen Dressage Cup (kezdk)
- 2. hely: Musical Dressage Cup (The Easy Klass Riding)
- 2. hely: Bottom's Up Appearance
- 2. hely: Color Dressage Race, srga kat.
- 2. hely: The 5's Challenge
- 2. hely: Simple Dressage
- 2. hely: Head Appearance
- 3. hely: June Dressage
2xElite, 2nd in Aachen Dressage Cup, Perfect of Bottom's Up Appearance, The Best Dressage Horse, Els helyezett a Sportl Kllemen, Best of Paradise Stables, The Best Dressage Training Plan, Better Dressage Horse, 2nd Placed of Musical Dressage Cup, The Best Dressage Horse in PS, 1st in Paradise Stables, Absolute, Absolute Winner in Paradise Stables, Fantastic Chestnut Color Dressage Horse, 2nd in Color Dressage in Alta, ELITE, 1st placed in "Winter Cup-Appearance" at Benigma, BEST; Best Horse in Nyergelj Fel, ELITE; 1st Placed Horse in Alphabet Appearance, GOOD; 2nd placed in "The 5's Challenge Appearance", EXCELLENT; Excellent horse in Simple Dressage, BEST; Best horse in Head Appearance, GOOD; 3rd Placed Horse in Benigma, ELITE; Welcome Spring Appearance; Excellent Horse of the Marton day's parade
